4th of May 2022

 Hello! Apparently I have completely forgotten about this "blog" of mine. Im struggling to remember as i see it also. I just found it in my book marks. Seems like I've posted dark shit here indeed.

I have had 14 ect's now, and that might have had a role with my memory.

That aside, I'm doing fairly good now actually. I have bought my own appartement, and my cat have moved back in with me. 

I guess the biggest "event" forward is a surgery I'll be having to remove a tumor on the 19th this month. Wish me luck. (Its non cancerous so dw, ill be fine)

Other than that, I dont really know what else to write about at this moment, maybe I'll be back sometime. Idk if anyone read my 'blog'? or not, but I guess, if anyone did, and was wondering, I'll let you know, I'm doing fine now :3


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