Damn, what a year it has been. Apologies for not updating earlier. I just wanted to say that I'm doing much better. Yeah, I was kind of hospitalized against my will, again, but I guess I clearly needed it.
I have now had a series of 12 ECT treatments as well. I would recommend that to anyone with severe depression. Also, my diagnosis was changed to bipolar.
I will have a couple maintenance ECT treatments later at some point to prevent relapse.
Other than that, I do have pretty bad short term memory now because of that, but it'll probably go over by itself sometime soon.
I have much more to write about, but I'll have to do that later at some point. I'm physically very drained. But other than that, I'm actually doing fine, for the first time in, idek, 10+ years. I hope it stays this way.
I was also put on a couple more medications as well so, now it's kind of embarrassing seeing all the different types. We're talking about stepping down and stop with one of them, since they're affecting each other and my body gets too much of one or the other idek. I'm kind of scared to because, yeah, I'm scared of relapses. But on the other hand, it would probably be better for me to be able to live an independent life on as little medication as possible.
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